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Take a Step to Enhance your Wellbeing

We can activate our internal healing mechanism through food, hydration, movement, rest, fun, laughter and creating a calm focus of the mind.  Choosing what works for us, as an individual, in each of these different areas creates an internal healthy environment enhancing our wellbeing.  There are a multitude of choices in each area. We must commit ourselves in small incremental changes to develop our patterns, routines to consistently support our wellbeing.  We can make the difference in our daily lives and longevity through simple consistent habits and actions.  Each day we make the choice to engage in our healthy lives.  We are aware and make choices at each challenge and routine activity.  Life happens and we choose how we will engage. 

We can increase our consistency by developing accountability.  Accountability can come with:

·         writing things down;

·         reading our intentions/expectations for ourselves daily;

·         having a visual accomplishment record (a calendar where we give ourselves stars);

·         having an accountability partner (doing activities with a friend or a group);

·         a routine so activities become a habit (keeping flexibility in mind as life happens);

·         and what else works for you?


We continue to explore options, ideas, resources to expand, grow, develop the means for enhancing our wellbeing.  Balance, simplicity, what works NOW (which will change) for our process of developing and maintaining our wellbeing. 


What can be done today, now, to make a difference?  Even something as simple as taking a deep breath in the moment makes a difference.  Here is to our Wellbeing. 


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