Connecting Inside means being aware, understanding, acknowledging and accepting all the various facets that are on the inside. Inside connections involve the various ideas, feelings, intuitions, imaginations, experiences, and knowledge. Inside connections ignite the whole.
Outside connections cross territories of similarity and differences. Outside requires various dynamics and strategies to make the connections. Connecting outside can be frustrating, challenging, disappointing, and discouraging. Connecting outside can lead to mutual give and take, growth, and world betterment.
Connecting inside brings joy, peace, exuberance, completeness, and confidence. Inside connections allow for greater choices, empowerment, gratitude, and the ability to give. Inside connections immerse the chaos, the pain, the confusion, and the unknown. With the inside immersion the connections provide the healing journey.
Connecting outside is seeing all the dots and their connections for alternative realities. Outside making the connections leads to friendships, community, mentors and mentoring, and opportunities. Outside connections lead to mending bridges and making new ones. Connecting outside opens new doors, discoveries, and adventures.
Connecting the dots in any way that makes sense at the moment or to discover the sense is the adventure of life. Travel the road alone and with others for those connections of a life time.